
Child Chinese Classes 孩童中文課

Child Extracurricular Electives 孩童才藝課 (Register together with Child Chinese class)

Adult Chinese Classes 成人中文課

Adult Speciality Classes 成人才藝課


Mandarin Chinese Language Instruction


At the Tzu Chi Academy Atlanta, we use overseas Chinese textbooks approved by the Overseas Community Affairs Council as the textbook of the Chinese language curriculum. In response to the advent and progress of the technological era, diversified teaching methods, such as Chinese digital platforms, and media-based lessons and homework, are adopted when appropriate. 



Jing Si Aphorism Instruction


This is a practical and simple way of incorporating storytelling and illustrations to teach Dharma Master Cheng Yen’s Jing Si Aphorisms to students. In them, there are lessons about life, strong character, and how to best contribute positively within our families and communities.


Cultural Classes

為落實證嚴上人以大愛為本的全方位人格教育,全美慈濟人文學校於2003年起推出正規的30 分鐘人文課程。校方將精心安排規劃豐富有趣並美化人生的人文藝術課程,以充實學生的生活內容,並增進其語文學習的興趣。課程內容有環保、慈濟歌選手語教學、靜思茶道、真善美花道、慈濟世界新知、精進劇坊、靜思故事、佛陀的故事、與地球共生息、慈濟教聯會提供的人文課及食衣住行篇等內容。

Since 2003, Tzu Chi Academies across the US have included a formal 30-minute cultural class in daily curricula. Engaging and educational cultural and art classes help enrich students’ minds while enhancing their interest in language learning and about Chinese culture as a whole. Topics include environmental protection, Tzu Chi songs, sign language, tea ceremonies, flower ceremonies, new knowledge of the Tzu Chi world, drama workshops, Jing Si stories, the story of the Buddha, living with the Earth, cultural classes provided by the Tzu Chi Education Association, and life skills classes that touch on food, clothing, housing, etiquette, and transportation.